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Today I am interviewing a woman from Missouri who has been involved in the information technology industry for most of her career. But, now in her 50s, she is embracing a new purpose to promote one of her favorite TV series because it led her to faith.
Shey Keith is the voice behind the Walking With The Chosen podcast. She came up with the name after attending a podcasting conference because Shey envisioned walking with the actors who perform in the series.
For people unfamiliar with The Chosen, it is a crowd-funded faith-based television series depicting the life of Jesus, but through what his disciples encountered and experienced during the three years Jesus mentored them.
Earlier this year, the show released Season Four in theaters, and Shey recently took part in filming a few episodes for Season Five.
I wanted to interview Shey for quite a while. She is a member of one of the mastermind groups I’m involved in. That enabled me to watch Shey develop her idea into a platform to reach many other people in hopes they’d fall in love with the series, too.
The Chosen is a special series for Shey because she always believed in God, but she didn’t understand who Jesus was as a person. The Chosen opened her eyes to who Jesus was as a man and as God’s son.
One winter a few years ago, when her truck started sliding around the Interstate and was headed toward a collision with an oncoming semi, Shey called out to God. Instantly, the truck just stopped and a collision was avoided. At that point, Shey knew she wanted to be closer to God, but didn’t know how to begin that relationship.
Shey started searching for answers, and stumbled on Season One of The Chosen a short time later. When she watched Episode Seven in Season One, Shey was convicted she needed to give her life to Jesus.

In that episode, Nicodemus comes to Jesus at night with questions about who he is. Jesus invited him to become a follower, but Nicodemus was more concerned about his status and prestige, so he stayed behind when the group began their journey. That prompted Jesus to say, “You were so close.”
The idea of being close to a saving relationship with Jesus, but not making a decision to put her faith completely in him, prompted Shey to take that all-important step. From that point, her passion for helping others make the same decision she did, pushed Shey out of her comfort zone to learn video podcasting and start an online platform.
In addition to podcasting, Shey also helps small business owners solve tricky technology issues. She started a membership community to teach entrepreneurs how to develop their own online platforms and resolve tech problems with the software they use to develop and operate their businesses. Shey basically becomes the IT department for small business owners who can’t afford to hire a full-time IT staff.
To follow Shey’s journey as she walks with The Chosen, visit podcast.walkingwiththechosen.com or check out her YouTube channel at youtube.com/@wwtc. To connect with Shey about tech issues or to join her membership group, visit www.simpleeasytech.com.
That’s all I have for this week’s show. If you’d like help in identifying a purpose for your life or to get help planning your next steps, I’m offering a complimentary brainstorming session to members of the Forward From 50 Facebook community. For details, connect with me on Facebook or visit www.forwardfrom50.com.
I’ll have another inspirational interview on the next episode of the Forward From 50 podcast. Thanks for listening. If you like this show, please consider leaving a review wherever you download the episodes.

After closing his business and enduring several painful years of uncertainty regarding what to do with his life, Greg founded Forward From 50 to help men and women over 50 to live more purposeful lives by pursuing things they are passionate about. A Wisconsin native, Greg currently lives in Arizona.