Photo of Mike Fisher playing soccer was taken by SWNS.
At 90 years of age, Mike Fisher may be old, but he’s still quick and fast. In fact, his teammates on the Old Corinthians soccer team refer to him as “Ninja.”
To celebrate turning 90, he recently scored five goals in one game. It’s not an unusual feat either; Mike routinely scores four or five goals in every game he plays. Best of all, he has been playing three times a week for eight years.
“They say I’m gone in the blink of an eye, just like that,” he told The Sun. “One minute you think you’ve collared me and the next minute I’m gone and the ball is in the back of the net.”
Mike began playing the sport 75 years ago and was a regular on the field until his 40s. He picked up the game again when he was 82 years old.
He plays what’s called “walking football” in Britain, but Mike competes against players who can be 40 years younger than he is.
“That feeling of scoring never gets old, even if I am,” Mike said. “The football gives me a reason to still get up and out and stay fit and active. I don’t want to be sitting in a chair all day long.”
Additional coverage of Mike’s achievement can be found at Good News Network.

After closing his business and enduring several painful years of uncertainty regarding what to do with his life, Greg founded Forward From 50 to help men and women over 50 to live more purposeful lives by pursuing things they are passionate about. A Wisconsin native, Greg currently lives in Arizona.